I have always been interested in body therapy and its various forms. My interest started in classic massages and their beneficial effects, whereby I noticed the different qualities of touch very early on. My interest in body therapy has increased significantly by practicing yoga. I have experienced the therapeutic effects of yoga myself and have been able to pass it on in my work as a yoga teacher. I strengthen my own awareness with regular Vipassana meditation. In 2017 I started the training to become a Shiatsu therapist and my fascination and interest have increased since then. My motivation to learn and give Shiatsu is to be able to help other people in this form to get closer to themselves and to activate the self-healing powers. In particular, this non-verbal form of therapy interests and excites me very much, because, as it is says, the body does not lie and the symptoms are therefore not covered by thinking.

Member of the Shiatsu Gesellschaft Switzerland: www.shiatsuverband.ch